March 14 Update

Good Evening ROCmusic Families,

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

This week we are running a full class schedule at ROCmusic.

Items for this week:

1. Congratulations to the Readiness Beginning Strings and the Vocal Production Classes on their performance at the Black History Gala this past Thursday. Our students did a great job and provided beautiful music for a large crowd (with plenty of spacing)! Congratulations to Mrs. Mills, Mr. Sean, and Mr. Boutte. Watch our social media for pictures

2. This week will begin the registration process for the next set of RPO Tickets. Mark your calendar and look for the google doc to sign up for the free tickets.

March 24 and 26 - Emperor Concert (Piano Concerto) - 7:30 PM and 8:00 PM (respectively)

March 27 - Clarinet and His Friends (conducted by our friend Herb Smith) - 2:00 PM

3. The Gateways Music Festival will be hosting its annual residency during the week of April 18th. We will not be having regular ROCmusic Classes. We will have special events for ROCmusic Families. Please save these dates and times:

- April 18 @ 7:30 PM - Gateways Pianists Concert

- April 19, @4:30 PM - Parent Chat with Lucinda Ali-Landing (Hyde Park Suzuki) and Herb Smith (RPO) answer parent questions and offer advice for all families of young musicians.

- April 19, @ 5:00 PM - Movie and Lecture about the life of Florence Price

- April 20, @ 2:30 PM - Black Student Union Master Class

- April 20, @ 7:30 PM - Gateways Orchestra Concert (Free for all ROCmusic Families)

4. We hope that all eligible families will consider applying for additional music opportunities through our ECMS Pathways (free lessons and a possible scholarship to the University of Rochester) and Hochstein School partners.

5. We will be having several fundraising events this spring. Please consider helping as you can, but more importantly, spreading the message about our organization and the amazing young musicians involved.

6. ANNOUNCEMENT - We have officially been able to hire Mr. Paul Boutte to act as full time instructor and assistant program manager. We are very excited to have him on as a full time position - his experience as a professional musician and long-time Rocehster resident will be a wonderful resource for our young musicians. He has worked with the Rhythm Section program for over a year and now he will be involved with the entire program.

Have a great week - please continue to communicate with us about the needs for your family. Also, it is time to begin to promote the summer and fall classes.

Enjoy the warmer weather!
